Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Very 1st Blog Post.....Wish Me luck!

How is everyone doing today? I've decided to complete this assignment in a creative kind of way, using Q&A type format. Professor Pabico will be "interviewing" me for my personal take on different forms of communication.

Q: What type of communication do you respond to? This could be visual, verbal, audio, written. And why?

A: I believe that everyone in general responds to visual, verbal, audio and written communication. In my opinion, the factors that may produce different results are the person’s interest and difficulty to understand what is being communicated to them. For example, I'm a big music guy. That's one of my biggest traits as person when people try to understand who I am. You can always find me jamming to the good stuff. When people are "jamming" you tend to see head nod movements, maybe a little dancing, and sing the lyrics to a song. Music changes the way people feel and puts them in certain moods. Some people use music to relax or use it during a workout at the gym. These actions are all forms of communicating through audio.
When it comes to verbal or visual communication, people may not exactly understand or comprehend right away what is being told or shown to them until it is thoroughly explained to them a few times.   I admit that I personally have difficulty understanding things, which can put a little bit of strain on communication between me and a person verbally.

Q: For visual communication, what do you feel is the necessary tool? Type, images, symbols, color, etc...And why?

A: When it comes to visual communication, I think that symbols are very important for people to gain an understanding of what is being shown. Symbols help give meaning and tell a story, so the use of those can only enhance your understanding. I also think that having a bit of background knowledge on what is being shown to you really helps out your understanding as well, especially movies. A person who is watching part 2 of a trilogy with a friend isn't going to understand what is being shown to them unless they have seen part 1. Those without prior knowledge might be lost.

Q: Name three companies / people / bands / brands / etc. that have strong visual communication and why? These could be logos that you respond to (either negative or positive), websites, animated graphics, packaging, printed publications, etc.

A: Nike, McDonald's, and Gatorade.
These are 3 very famous brands that mostly everyone knows.
Nike: When you see that Nike check, the 1st things that you think of are "Just Do it" and sports apparel.
McDonald's: The golden arches logo of McDonald's kind of looks like French fries or an upside down smile. The golden arches may represent the wealth and success McDonald's has as one of the top companies in the world.

Gatorade: The electric symbol for Gatorade may represent the electrolytes that it provides you, and that after drinking some, athletes will feel charged up.