Thursday, November 19, 2015

Let Me See That Brochure!

For about the last two weeks of our class lectures for COM 322, we were assigned the task of getting into groups of four and designing our own brochures using elements from Adobe InDesign C6, Adobe Photoshop C6, and Adobe Illustrator C6.  As we started getting closer and closer to completing our brochures as a class, we began to understand what makes a successful brochure design and design hierarchy. With the brochure assignments due today, I can say that I am truly ready to critique and evaluate other professional made brochures. Some of the things that I will be discussing while evaluating these brochures are the following:
Why is this brochure design successful?
How does the designer use color in the piece?
How does the composition show repetition and varied repetition? How do these unify the compositions?
How is text used in support of the design? Is the font / typeface a good choice?
Discuss how the layout is used - is there a lot of text? Images? How do these balance with each other? 

SuperCars Asia 2012

Background: Super motor sports 2012 brochure is a promotional brochure featuring the new Lamborghini held in Shanghai (China) and Florida (America). An introduction of the new car model DominatorX, with its car outlook as well as interior design and body kit.
This brochure really has the ability to catch the attention of a mass amount of people. With just one look at the cover or any of the inside pages of the brochure, you could see the clean, slick, professional, and exotic design that was created by the graphic designers. This is the true definition of first hand advertising. The brochure is showing off the release of a new Lamborghini, and as you open up the brochure, the pages actually take you on a “journey” giving you an inside look what is inside the car such as the pure leather interior seats, the steering wheel, and rubber tires. The brochure is consistent with its use of images, having the Lamborghini usually on the right side of the pages and either the global continents or an inside look of the Lamborghini on the left side of the pages. What really makes the brochure aesthetically pleasing on the eyes is the use of the color scheme. The ongoing repetition of colors used in this design were black, a sort of honey golden yellow and grey. The colors primarily revolved around the color of the gold Lamborghini and the surrounding black and grey really complimented it well. The use of text was done quite nicely, mostly shown underneath any of the pictures on the left providing a description about the car. Another design that also stuck out was the use of the golden hexagons with the big bold print inside them advertising some of the perks that the car had to offer. Little small things like that can influence someone looking at this flier to want to take the next steps to inquiring about the product that is being advertised.

Azlan Energy Solutions

The purpose of this brochure was to provide the reader with an alternative solution to saving energy by becoming an Azlan customer and going green. What really hits home for this brochure is the use of natural green colors to really get their point across on their views about going green, no pun intended. There are also little green leaf patterns highlighted in green running across the outlet to symbolize that going all natural. What makes it even cooler is that at the very center fold you have an Azlan outlet that tells you to save money by going green. Apparently that current of energy is coming from the power outlet that grabs your attention on the front cover of the brochure. The designers incorporated the right use of images to really sell their product to the customer that is viewing this brochure.  The text are also short and sweet to the point. For each bullet point explaining the benefits of going green with Azlan, there is a power cord icon. Very creative as it goes with the overall theme of the brochure.  The purpose of this brochure was to provide the reader with an alternative solution to saving energy by becoming an Azlan customer and going green. What really hits home for this brochure is the use of natural green colors to really get their point across on their views about going green, no pun intended. There are also little green leaf patterns highlighted in green running across the outlet to symbolize that going all natural. What makes it even cooler is that at the very center fold you have an Azlan outlet that tells you to save money by going green. Apparently that current of energy is coming from the power outlet that grabs your attention on the front cover of the brochure. The designers incorporated the right use of images to really sell their product to the customer that is viewing this brochure.  The text are also short and sweet to the point. For each bullet point explaining the benefits of going green with Azlan, there is a power cord icon. Very creative as it goes with the overall theme of the brochure. Good color scheme, good use of info, good use of graphics and theme, overall this is a simple brochure that makes it point that the simple average human would be able to understand without difficulty.

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