Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dreamweaving in Dreamweaver

As a senior preparing to graduate the State University of New York College at Buffalo in May 2016, I am glad to be able to have learned and accomplished so much during my time in COM Graphics 322. For our final project of the fall semester, the class was assigned the task of creating our own personal website used to demonstrate samples of writing and graphics that we have completed in our classes this semester. This website is going to be used as a reference for any skill samples related to my major such as public relations writing samples or graphic design and social media websites that a future employer or internship may want to see.
As part of my bio for the website, I also advertise my love for music and displayed a link to my own personal instrumentals where you can purchase beats online. Just having different skills and being able to do many things is the point of this website that I am trying to promote.
In the portfolio page, I specifically chose to upload certain graphics that display a tie in to social media. One of the uploads on this page is the Buffalo State homecoming 2015 flyer. The content of my flyer includes the official buffalo state pre football tailgate party and the homecoming football game followed by after. The overall theme of the homecoming flyer is supposed to be the trending hash tag #Unleashthebengal. This was the hash tag used on twitter to help promote and spread the news of homecoming weekend here at buffalo state. The second project that I uploaded was my Amber Rose slutwalk poster advertising when and where she is going to be having the event. This poster was based off of her real life slutwalk held in Los Angeles. The poster is meant to be advertised on her twitter.
As far as creating the website, this project has been a very fine detailed and somewhat a difficult experience for me. The class was guided step by step by the professor, and if you missed even 1 step or a small tiny little detail, your project would suffer. I missed a couple of steps such as how to link your social media profiles to the links and adding your contacts. Because of this, I needed to stay longer at class sessions to get the help that I needed to stay on pace with the rest of the class.
I designed the heading of my website with a photo of the music software that I use to produce my instrumentals in called FL Studio 11. I didn’t have any professional pictures so I just snagged one off of Facebook. At the beginning of the project, professor told us that we were going to be using more of the website coding page to the right opposed to the number coding page to the left. She was correct. The majority of all my actions in Dreamweaver were done on the right side. There wasn’t really much work to be done. The most work that was used for this project was having your graphics prepared and following the coding instructions on where to put everything.

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